
KNOW MORE ABOUT GARRI AND PALME OIL Garri is one of the popular food which predominantly originated from the processing of casava which is one of the main source of carbohydrate. Garri is Rich in high fibre content which helps in digestive health, Garri can be soaked in cold water with milk to make it creamy. Just as garri (casava flakes) can be gotten from casava, There are also other food products that can be process from it, such as fufu, Bobozee commonly known as (abacha mmiri) and abacha ugba, The major advantage of eating garri include that it loads the body with lots of fiber and starch which adds to the dose of protein and vitamin contents. It is a very important food crops as it serves various food purposes. PALM OIL Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil that come from the fruit of oil palm trees. There are many types of oil that can be produced from it, eg. Crude palm oil popularly known as (red oil) which comes by squeezing the freshly fruits, palm kernel oil which comes by crushing the kernel. Palm oil serves for many purposes, is in nearly everything, from pizza, doughnuts, chocolates, toothpaste, and Lipstick, it is also used in animal feeds, and so on, we have a lot to say about Garri and Palm oil.

KNOW MORE ABOUT GARRI AND PALME OIL Garri is one of the popular food which predominantly originated from the processing of casava which is one of the main source of carbohydrate.  Garri is Rich in high fibre content which helps in digestive health, Garri can be soaked in cold water with milk to make it creamy.  Just as garri (casava flakes) can be gotten from casava, There are also other food products that can be process from it, such as fufu, Bobozee commonly known as (abacha mmiri) and abacha ugba,  The major advantage of eating garri include that it loads the body with lots of fiber and starch which adds to the dose of protein and vitamin contents. It is a very important food crops as it serves various food purposes.         PALM OIL Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil that come from the fruit of oil palm trees. There are many types of oil that can be produced from it, eg. Crude palm oil popularly known as (red oil) which comes by squeezing the freshly fruits, palm kernel oil which

Garri and palmeoil for sale